It’s national cheesecake day! We’re celebrating with another one of our favorite recipes from the BBV vault which we’ve been making for probably 20 years now. It’s a decadent peanut butter and chocolate cheesecake that’s completely vegan and amazingly delicious. No one will know this is vegan as it’s that good!

This is a relatively standard recipe as cheesecakes go but it does have some special additions to replace the eggs normally used and the dairy. The cream cheese itself is very important and since this is a more NY style cheesecake rather than an Italian ricotta style, you must use a dense vegan cream cheese. I use Tofutti or Violife brand as they’re the best in my opinion for this cake. Trader Joe’s just released a new dense style cream cheese so that may work too. The peanut butter and the chocolate also add fat and add to the rich creaminess of this cake and I prefer a smooth no stir variety of peanut butter and good quality semisweet chocolate chips. If you want you could use a bittersweet chocolate as well.

For the crust, you can use any plain short vegan cookie you’d like or graham crackers. We used vegan vanilla wafer cookies from Sprouts but you could also use a chocolate plain cookie as well if you prefer. I will often use a mini graham cookie in a bag as those often don’t contain honey like larger graham crackers do. It’s very customizable and always delicious no matter what you use!

The only fussy part about this recipe is the marbling of the two batters. You just need to drop dollops onto the crust then use a butter knife to wind your way through them to gently swirl them together. It’s a fine line as to when it’s right but you’ll know. I find going in a figure eight pattern works well then turning the pan and doing the same on the opposite side until I’m happy with the results. Just make sure not to over-mix and not to dig too deep to disturb the crust below.

Let’s talk about egg substitutes for this recipe. For years, we used a powdered egg replacer and it worked fine. This time I used a rich aquafaba flax egg for this which is where I add a little oil to the aquafaba (liquid from canned chickpeas) and flaxmeal. For the three eggs I substituted I used 9 tablespoons aquafaba, 4 tablespoons flaxmeal and 1 tablespoon plain oil and mixed it together and let it rest for a few minutes until thick. You could see the flecks of flax in the peanut butter batter but could neither see nor taste them in the finished bake. I considered using Just Egg but didn’t want something special you had to buy unless it was 100% necessary (sometimes it provides the best result) but you could use it if you had some around. I would add 9 tablespoons of Just Egg. You could also use another egg replacer but I would steer clear of applesauce or pumpkin as they may leave an odd aftertaste in the final cake.

You could add chocolate chips to the peanut butter batter if desired but we prefer it plain. Another nut butter or allergy free butter could be substituted like sunflower butter or hazelnut butter (which would taste like Nutella!). I would think cookie butter like Bischoff would be amazing too. I’ve not tried it but I’m sure it would work. I hope you enjoy this as much as we have over the years. It’s a family favorite even our non-vegan members love. They often can’t believe it doesn’t contain dairy!