This is a special chocolate cream pie. Not only does it have a deep dark chocolate pudding layer, it has a light whipped ganache layer on top (trust me, it’s easy) and dollops of whipped cream and is heaven in every bite.

I’ve made this in a traditional pie crust but you could use a graham cracker or chocolate cookie no bake crust as well. I like the old time diner style of a regular pie crust but making your own can be daunting. I used a premade vegan store pie crust and baked it blind (that means poking holes in the bottom of the crust before baking and adding a piece of foil then dried beans that help it keep it’s shape while baking. They also sell pie weights in stores but they’re pricey and beans work just fine. I think I’ve had the same bag of beans for about 15 years that I just keep reusing for this purpose.

This pie isn’t too sweet which is another reason I love it. Both the pudding and ganache require chocolate so if you use bittersweet 70% cacao plus chocolate then it will be less sweet. I like combining half dark bittersweet and half semisweet to split the difference. You kind of get the best of both.

You do need to plan ahead for this pie. You have to bake and cook the crust, make the pudding and let that first layer set then make the ganache and let that set so it’s best to start the day before you plan on serving it. It’s worth it, trust me.

For the whipped topping you can use a tub or can of vegan whipped cream but there are a few vegan whipping creams on the market now and I have a recipe for a more stable vegan whipped cream using agar agar powder which can be bought online or in some markets. It helps keep the cream from separating as it sits so even the next day, it won’t be watery and deflated. I hope you enjoy this special pie and please rate and review if you try it!

Hi, thanks for amazing recipe. What does it mean if an ingredient has a “strikeout?”
You’re welcome! The strikeout is just a way to cross out ingredients as you add them to the recipe so you know you’ve added them. It’s a feature in that recipe layout in WordPress for my page. 🧡
Can’t wait to try this! Have you tried making the whipped cream without agar? I’ve always been told that agar doesn’t work without boiling first. So this is new to me.
The prepared vegan whipped cream does separate in a day so I want to try the agar technique.
I usually make whipped cream without it but I knew this would be around for a few days so I wanted something more stable. Thanks!
Hi Kreg- This looks amazing? What type of milk did you use? Thank you! -Kali
I’m a soy boy so that’s what I usually use but any thick creamy style vegan milk should work!
This was a delicious recipe. My ganache wasn’t spreadable. What did I do wrong?
Hmm, I’m not sure! What brand of vegan cream did you use? Once whipped, it should be spreadable like a mousse.