It’s national peanut clusters day so I’m making a super easy three ingredient sweet you can whip up in no time to celebrate! A ‘Peanut Cluster’ is a type of candy that mixes melted chocolate and peanuts. We’re making them completely vegan and milk chocolatey and delicious. There are actually several versions of peanut clusters including caramel clusters, butterscotch clusters and chocolate peanut clusters which is what we’re making today as they are the simplest.

We only need three ingredients but make sure they’re high quality. We’re using roasted cocktail style peanuts (they’re more flavorful than dry roasted), good semisweet or bittersweet chocolate and vegan white chocolate chips. That’s it. The white mixed with the dark chocolate makes a milk chocolate-like flavor that’s pretty darn tasty if I do say so myself.

To make it even easier, I melt the chocolate in the microwave but you could certainly use a double boiler too if you prefer. The chocolate melted in about one and a half minutes for me but all ovens vary. It’s best to stop cooking while there are still some whole chips left and let the residual heat finish melting the chips. If you over cook chocolate it can seize up and burn and there’s no coming back from that unfortunately.

After the chocolate is melted you mix in the nuts and then scoop into patties onto a parchment or wax paper lined sheet pan to cool. You can also sprinkle with some flaky salt like I did.

You can set these quickly by placing in the fridge so you can be eating these in under 20 minutes most likely! I hope you enjoy them. Peanuts and chocolate are my all time favorite combination. If allergic, you could use another nut or even sunflower seeds. Enjoy!

At the end of the second paragraph of your directions, it says, “or rap the pan gently on the counter a few times to spread them out slightly.” What does ‘rap’ mean? 🤔
Rapping is an old-school baking technique that refers to physically forcing air out of a baked good by lifting up the pan and dropping it on your counter or during baking sometimes which causes it to deflate somewhat. Hope that helps!