I am well aware that this is less a recipe than assembly of some of my favorite ingredients. It’s an easy homemade candy you can make when the mood strikes as it does often for me! This is basically a peanut butter cup with a squidgy vegan marshmallow tucked inside and it instantly takes me back to those Mallo Cups I enjoyed as a kid but with a luscious blob of peanut butter added!
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Vegan chocolate (chips, chunks, a bar or block). I prefer a mix of semisweet and bittersweet so I use half of each.
- Peanut Butter. I prefer natural smooth peanut butter but you can use chunky or any other nut butter you’d like. Sun butter, almond or cashew would be equally as delicious.
- Vegan Marshmallows. You can find these at most grocery stores these days but they can also be purchased online. Link to my Amazon store is at the bottom of the page.
- Liquid Sweetener. I use agave syrup but you could use maple, brown rice or another syrup of your choosing.

I use natural paper muffin liners to make the classic cup shape but you could just as easily assemble these in a muffin tin that’s been lightly sprayed with some oil for easy release. The paper liners are much easier to use to be honest and gives these the classic candy fluted edges. The coconut oil is optional in this recipe but it makes the cooled chocolate less hard and easier to eat. I hope you enjoy this easy to make candy. Kids love to help make these so they’re a fun way to get them involved in cooking!