So you’re probably asking yourself “what the heck is corn pie?!” and I don’t blame you. I had never heard of it either until a trip to Pennsylvania Dutch Amish country when I was younger in my pre-vegan days and we saw it advertised on a hand written sign on the side of the road. This was near the huge supermarket Stauffers of Kissel Hill near Lititz so of course we stopped. The version we had was an open single crust pie like a quiche and was pretty much corn, eggs and a creamy sauce holding it together but it was firm but contained no cheese. It was baked in a simple bottom pie crust and it was delicious.

After going vegan I tried recreating it with tofu and other egg substitutes but it was never the same. Recently while combing through an Amish community cookbook I bought decades ago I found a version of the corn pie and it seemed legit and only used a few eggs and I knew I could now substitute Just Egg for them. This recipe uses a cracker crust though and I was dubious at first but wow is it delicious. The original pie used a plain pie crust and that will work as well if you prefer. My recipe for my vegan squash casserole uses cracker crumbs too so I knew it would be similar but I was scared it wouldn’t hold up when sliced but it totally does. Plain saltine type crackers are best to use but I suppose a vegan buttery type like a Ritz style would work as well. Not sure if gluten free would work but I don’t see why not.

Fresh corn is really the best choice for this pie so making it in the late summer for most of you is the best time of year but we get fresh corn in Florida in the winter so I enjoy this for months. You could use frozen but the taste won’t be the same as using fresh corn. It will still be delicious but fresh corn puts it into the amazing category.

This baked pie should set a bit before slicing and I prefer to actually make it the day before I’ll be serving it and then heat it up. This pie is sweet, savory, a little crunchy and totally addictive if you’re a corn lover and if you’re not, we can’t be friends. I hope you try this pie as it’s the best of summer on a plate. Served with a tasty tomato salad it’s the perfect meal!