It’s National Pretzel Day! Although I love most pretzels, I’m particularly fond of fresh baked soft pretzels like the kind you’d get at the mall food court. Who doesn’t remember that smell wafting through the air as you shopped at Hot Topic for an ironic tee shirt to wear to school. If you had enough cash leftover you might even spring for the cheese dipping sauce. Memories. Anyway, these are like that, but vegan.

So I don’t have my own pretzel dough recipe. Shocker, I know, but there is a favorite I have that can be easily veganized here. You just can’t use the egg wash but we’re going to top ours with salt and everything bagel seasoning anyway.

After your dough has risen and is ready to shape, you’re going to add some vegan cheese to it before sealing it and shaping it into the familiar pretzel twist. If you don’t feel like making your own dough, you could buy the dough in the can type at the supermarket and shape those into pretzels. They won’t be as good, but they’ll do in a pinch.

You can get the bagel seasoning at Trader Joe’s or Costco also sells a large jar as well. You could always make your own but if you can buy it, buy it.

Another winner for football game snacks.
Beer and cheese. A winning team!!