Who doesn’t love French fries? You don’t? Well, you’re dead to me…just kidding, but seriously. I always order truffle fries if they’re available at a restaurant, but since we’re not going out to eat lately, I thought why not make them at home? The not so secret ingredient is truffle oil. It’s less expensive than buying real truffles and you only need a little to give you that mushroomy umami distinctive flavor. If you can’t find it at your local store, I have an Amazon link below to purchase it.

With just a few ingredients and a little prep time, you’ll have delicious homemade fries worthy of a fancy restaurant menu. First, you need to scrub your potatoes and Russet potatoes are best. They’re the kind you would bake and are fluffy inside once cooked and less waxy than other potatoes. Plus, they’re normally larger and lend themselves to the long steak fry shape.

Potatoes need a fair bit of salt. If you avoid salt then they will be bland sorry. They’re just one of those vegetables that must have it to taste good. Lots of garlic, cracked fresh pepper and rosemary round out the list of ingredients.

Don’t crowd your potatoes when baking them. If you do, they will steam rather than roast resulting in a soggy potato and no one wants that. You also need a hot temp to make them crispy and tasty. You can also preheat your pan in the oven for five minutes prior to adding the potatoes and that will give them a great start at crisping.

If you want even more truffle flavor, you can hit them with a little more truffle oil right before serving and then dip in truffle ketchup!

Great every time. I mix up the spices as I see fit, keeping the ratios and adding things like curry powder, thyme, and oregano.
Thank you Spencer! So glad you’re enjoying them! Potatoes are life lol.