I love breads of all kinds. I haven’t met a carb I didn’t like, but I have a soft spot for focaccia bread especially when it’s homemade. There’s something about the soft spongy texture and delicious mixture of toppings that’s intoxicating. Just the smell of it baking is amazing. They should sell it as a cologne. So yes, this is a bread. And yes, some find bread making intimidating, but this recipe is pretty foolproof. There’s one key ingredient that will take it to the next level and give you the chew needed and that’s vital wheat gluten. This “secret” ingredient is an essential part of good bread baking. If you use a high gluten bread flour, it’s not needed but most people have all purpose on hand. It’s also the main ingredient in homemade seitan or “wheat meat” so we always have some in the pantry (or fridge as it keeps better there). If you can’t find it in your local store I’ve included an Amazon link at the bottom of the post to order. I buy it there because I’ve found most I buy in store have turned and gone rancid by sitting on the shelves for so long.

Another reason some don’t have success with bread baking is that they either use expired yeast or don’t let it bloom properly. You have to use warm water and a sugar of some kind for the yeast to feed on and activate before adding it to the rest of ingredients. This is key to a successful bake.

Dough for bread also needs a lot of kneading. I use my food processor with the dough blade or my Kitchenaid stand mixer with the dough hook but you could certainly knead this all by hand, but why would you want to?

Dough for this focaccia also needs two proofing cycles for the proper texture before baking. It’s not a hard process, it just requires waiting a bit.

You can choose an array of toppings for the focaccia and I chose to do an ombré effect with tomatoes and olives. I also added fresh basil and most importantly, salt. It needs a good bit of salt before baking. It also needs oil. Oil helps tenderize it and provides more of the chew factor. Hey, that’s a good name for a cooking show!