Big Box Secrets

Did you know that a lot of big box retailers have programs and policies in place that benefit you the customer? I’m going to spill some secrets about some of these that you may or may not know about!


It’s on us program. This long standing program is basically at the team member’s discretion, but they will let you try a product on the house to see if you’ll like it. It could be a private label item or something else, but if you are unsure about buying something and ask nicely, they might just say “it’s on us!” and sticker the item so the cashier knows it’s free! Did you know that they will also open an item to let you try it? Yes, anything. Not sure if you’ll like those new chips? They’ll open the bag and give you some to try. On the fence about that cookie? Ask, and you shall receive. Sounds crazy I know and not many take them up on the offer, but it’s a policy in place.

Scan Accuracy policy. This policy means if an item scans at a price HIGHER than the tag or sign on the shelf, then you’ll get it for free. Yes, free. If you buy more than one then you only get the first one for free and the others will be charged at the lower price. If the item scans lower then you got a deal, and you don’t get it for free.


Return policy. Did you know you can return basically anything at Costco? I’ve caught a lot of flack over the years for returning pickles once. Yes, pickles. They were gross. While I was there, a lady was returning eggs so I didn’t feel so bad. Once, I even mentioned that a pineapple I bought was bad (it was just in conversation while I was returning something legit) and they refunded me! I didn’t even ask! Anyway, they have restrictions on electronics and other items but most other things are returnable so save those receipts (although they can look up past purchases on your account).

Price adjustments. Costco will adjust the price on an item if it goes on sale or has a coupon offer within 30 days. I did this once on an expensive kayak that went on sale and came back 31 days later and they still refunded me the difference!


The Publix Promise. This is is similar to Whole Foods where they will give you the item free if it scans at the wrong price. I sometimes take a pic of the sign or tag if I feel the price is weird or the sign has the wrong sale dates to show customer service.

Competitors Coupons. Publix will also match deals and coupons from select competitors. They usually have a sign posted near the checkout lanes listing these competitors.

If in doubt about a retailers policies, always ask at customer service or search their website. I’ve found direct messaging on Instagram often gets a fast response!

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