It’s Vegan Girl Scouts Cookie Season!

UPDATED FOR 2025! You can buy cookies online through March 9, 2025!

Who doesn’t love Girl Scout cookies?! I know I do but it’s been hard to find vegan ones locally from troops where I live. The Girl Scouts offer direct shipping for a fee and most troops get a link for ordering and credit if you can’t find a local troop selling vegan varieties at a booth near you.

2025 allergens guide from ABC Bakers

Some are not aware that there’s two bakeries who make cookies for the Girl Scouts nationally. One are Little Brownie Bakers (sold where I live in Florida) and the other are ABC Bakers. Here’s the thing, they both offer different selections. Thin Mints are the only cookies that are vegan and made by both bakers. ABC Bakers offers three additional vegan flavors: Toast-yay, Lemonades, and Peanut Butter Patties (along with the Thin Mints). 2021 was the last year for the vegan s’mores so they’re sadly no longer offered. Raspberry rally are also no longer being offered but the Adventurefuls from ABC Bakers are vegan by ingredients and allergen free (even though they don’t officially say they’re made with vegan ingredients which confuses me as I can’t see anything questionable). Caramel chocolate chip cookies also are vegan by ingredients!

The Adventurefuls were much harder and crispier than I expected. They were good although I found them a bit sweet and I like sweet so that’s saying something. I didn’t get brownie so much but just a pleasant chocolate flavor. Didn’t really taste the hint of salt either to be honest. They’re a nice cookie but not sure I would buy again.

The gluten free caramel chocolate chip cookies were softer than I expected! Not sure I would have known they were gluten free but I didn’t get much caramel. Just tasted like a softer chocolate chip cookie to me. Not bad, but not great in my opinion.

2025 is the last year for Toast Yay!

I personally loved the Toast Yay cookies. They are cinnamony, crispy and almost remind me of a really good oatmeal cookie with a coating of tasty icing underneath. They’re bigger than you think too! Delicious. They’re described as maple flavored but I didn’t really get those notes from them. For 2025 they announced this would be the last year they’re available unfortunately so stock up if you like them!

let’s talk about the lemonades flavor. So flavorful! They reminded me of lemon sandwich cremes I used to love as a kid. I believe they were Dare brand cookies. Super lemony and again, much larger than expected!

The ABC Bakers Peanut Butter Patties shouldn’t be confused with the Little Brownie Bakers Tagalongs which aren’t vegan. Super peanutty, they’re a classic flavor combo.

My ranking of flavors!

  • My number one flavor is the classic peanut butter patties. Best flavor to me personally overall but I’m. PB and chocolate lover.
  • Number two would be thin mints. Can’t go wrong if you’re a mint chocolate lover and they’re great chilled or frozen.
  • For my number three pick it would have to be the Lemonades. It was close but the lemon flavor gave this one the edge over the others.
  • Number four on my list of favorites would the Toast Yay cookies. They’re good and if you love cinnamon, you might rank them higher. I do but the Lemonades beat them out by a small margin.
  • My choice for number five would be the Adventurefuls. Tasty but a bit too sweet for me.
  • Sadly my least favorite and coming in at number six would be the caramel chocolate chip cookies and I thought I would love these! Just a bit too soft and lacking in caramel flavor for me.
ABC Bakers 2025 official cookie lineup

Where to buy.

Best way to buy is from your local troops obviously (booth locator here) or from family and friends you’d like to support but they do ship (starting 2/21/25 according to their 2025 blog here) and you can buy online.

Some links to purchase (updated for 2025):

You can web search to find troops selling cookies online and their direct links. Be aware that there are shipping charges and they can vary by troop and region but sometimes they offer discounts for buying a certain amount.

Here’s one troop (and possibly others) that benefits families in temporary housing. Launched in 2017, Girl Scouts of Greater New York’s Troop 6000 is a first-of-its-kind program designed to serve families living in temporary housing in the New York City shelter system. Click on their name above to learn more and you can click this “buy cookies” link to support them.

Consider ordering from transgender and nonbinary scouts. I fully support the LGBTQ+ community and this post has links to order online.

Troop 3015 in San Diego is selling ABC Bakers cookies which have the majority of the vegan friendly cookies. Buy from them here!

Nola is a vegan scout in the Kansas/Missouri area that sells from ABC Bakers (the more vegan friendly bakery) and in years past they have donated to an animal shelter and adopted foster kids for Xmas. Here’s their link to order cookies: order here.

Maple is a vegan scout from the Northern California area who is going to use some of the money they raise for a service project at the local wild animal rehabilitation center. Order cookies from them here.

Other stores do sell knock-offs of these cookies specifically Aldi, Walmart and Dollar General. Aldi has peanut butter patties (a year round offering) and lemonades cookies (usually out in the spring) and I’ve seen and posted similar cookies from many other regional grocery chains so happy scouting!


  1. Doris Mendez-DeMaio

    Thank you so much for this. I have been scouring troops wherever I have friends with access to Girl Scout cookies and have only found Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Patties. I just ordered 2 of each flavor.

  2. Another link if you could kindly add it to your list! Sales go through April 2.

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