
Vegan Strawberry Crispy Rice Treats

Happy Valentines Day! 🧡 Who doesn’t love traditional rice crispy treats right? I thought though, how can I make these a little more special? Fresh fruit is always delicious, but not so good when mixed into things like cakes, brownies, candies and these kind of treats because of the water […]

The Best Vegan Cornbread

This is literally the best vegan cornbread ever. No special egg replacers and mixed in (pretty much) one bowl! I originally posted a good cornbread recipe but it came in second in a cornbread contest at a chili cook off we had a few years back and it bothered me […]

The Best Vegan Blueberry Muffins

I’ve been making a version of these blueberry muffins since the 90s. The original recipe was much higher in fat and I felt I could make a better version, so after trial and error, I present you with the ultimate vegan blueberry muffins! We are lucky here in Florida that […]

Vegan Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

Pumpkin Whoopie pies are one of my favorite fall treats and I’ve created a vegan version that tastes exactly like the ones I remember getting at farm stands in Amish country in Pennsylvania. These soft, spiced pumpkin cookies are filled with a creamy, dreamy filling, making them the perfect treat […]

Vegan Coffeehouse Pumpkin Bread

Remember that perfect slice of pumpkin bread from your favorite coffeehouse chain you used to love? You know the one that I’m talking about right? Well, now you can make it vegan! I know everyone says they have the best recipe, blah blah blah, but this one is pretty darn […]